Our road to Net Zero by 2045

We want to help shape a lower carbon future by enabling our customers and our business to use energy smarter and more sustainably. Tackling climate change is one of the most important issues facing our society, and as a leading provider of energy for homes and organisations, we take our role seriously.

We know that getting to net zero won’t be quick or easy. But we're part of Centrica plc, which is a uniquely integrated energy company that’s well-placed to drive the transition forward at every stage of the value chain – whether we’re making, storing, moving and selling energy, or installing and mending related services and solutions.

We must create a fairer future when we generate a greener one. That’s why we developed our People & Planet Plan. It consists of five Group-wide goals accelerate action on issues that matter deeply to our business and society, and where we’re well-placed to make a big difference – from achieving net zero and creating the diverse and inclusive team we need to get there, to contributing to the communities we’re all part of.

2023 progress in numbers
greenhouse gas emissions cut from our operations over the last decade
route-to-market service for renewables
voluntarily donated to help customers with their energy bills

Our People & Planet Plan

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Goal 1: Help our customers to reach net zero by 2050

Around 90% of our total GHG emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3), come from the gas and electricity provided to customers (scope 3). By 2050, we want to have helped our customers be net zero; and by the end of 2030, we want to have delivered a 28% GHG intensity reduction.

We’re on track to deliver this: in 2023, we provided energy, services and solutions that help cut the GHG intensity of the energy our customers use by 10% against the 2019 base year.

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Goal 2: Be a net zero business by 2045

To be a net zero business, we’re focused on driving down emissions across our property, fleet and travel. Meaningful progress was made against this target in 2023, with our total GHG emissions reducing by 21% against the 2019 base year. 

Looking ahead, we’ll continue to support the adoption of lower carbon energy, by from securing up to 800MW of low carbon and transition assets by 2025, which includes solar, battery storage and flexible generation.

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Goal 3: Create an engaged, diverse team

To build a more sustainable future, we need the best team – a diverse mix of people and skills, where different thoughts and ideas can grow, and where everyone feels welcome and able to succeed. That's why we plan to create an engaged team that reflects the full diversity of the communities we serve by 2030.

We’ve delivered strong progress on this goal, as better recruitment and retention practices provided an initial boost to the majority of our diversity goals. We’ve received external recognition for our efforts including earning a place in The Times Top 50 Employers for Gender Equality. However we recognise that we need to continue to do more. 

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Goal 4: Recruit 3,500 apprentices and support under-represented groups

To provide the best service for customers and get to net zero, we need to create thousands of high-quality jobs. There’s a huge opportunity to tap into the talent of under-represented groups to fulfil these roles and deliver a greener, fairer future. We plan to recruit 3,500 apprentices by 2030, and provide career development opportunities for under-represented groups.

Since 2021, we’ve recruited 1,198 apprentices and helped over 750 trainees professionally qualify in areas like gas and whitegoods. In 2024, we’ll continue to breakdown stereotypes and inspire more diversity in engineering through recruitment, marketing and volunteering campaigns as we work to diversify our wider team too. 

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Goal 5: Give 100,000 volunteering days

We’re harnessing the passion of our people to build inclusive communities, because strong communities are central to a more sustainable future. By 2030, we plan that our colleagues will have given at least 100,000 volunteering days.

In 2023, our colleagues spent 7,228 days volunteering, which far exceeded our annual plan of 4,000 days. To maintain momentum, we’ll continue to expand volunteering opportunities in 2024 which will stand us in good stead for the annual step-up required to meet our goals in the years ahead, which will see us move from 1 in 4 colleagues volunteering in 2023 to 1 in 3 by 2030.

Centrica is energising a greener, fairer future

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