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Professional services business to save millions of pounds in energy costs

Live demonstration of our energy insights solutions results in Europe-wide adoption, delivering 12% energy savings and operational efficiencies at hundreds of offices.
Initial roll-out in five European countries
Projected savings of up to 12%
Annual savings of £10k in just one office

Making good on its commitments

With a strong commitment to sustainable business practice and global citizenship, the global organisation is constantly looking for new ways to reduce energy consumption within its huge and dispersed property portfolio.

Live demonstration makes the case for action

Working closely with the company’s facilities management partner, Centrica Business Solutions arranged a live and dynamic demonstration of its energy insights solution for key decision-makers at its European headquarters.

By applying a range of wireless sensors to a distribution board, within minutes the Centrica team was able to provide a detailed breakdown of energy use within the building. This demonstrated how rapidly energy insights solutions could be installed, de-installed, moved quickly from locations within the same building, the ease of dashboard deployment and configuration, along with the immediacy of real time data availability, literally in minutes. 

The company was able to see how the solution could be used to prepare an actionable programme to both reduce energy costs and improve the operational efficiency of the building’s high-consumption equipment.

The results

The organisation was so impressed by how easily the sensors were deployed, the speed and quality of presentation of live data – and the prospects for substantial savings and efficiencies – it quickly committed to a roll out of the technology at its offices in the UK, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.

Centrica teams are busy working through an installation programme at 39 of the company’s high energy-consumption buildings around the UK, applying wireless sensors to large scale equipment such as pumps, condensers, air conditioning and cooling systems.

At one busy office, the company incurs energy bills of £120,000 per year. After analysing its Energy Insight data, it is projected to save 8% on its annual energy costs alone, a saving of almost £10,000 on an investment of just £4,000.

Further savings will also result from more efficient operation of equipment, reduced maintenance and downtime and an extension of the working life of key assets, all driven by live data from wireless sensors. Projected annual energy savings of up to 12% are predicted throughout the estate. 

The success of the programme has also prompted the facilities management partner to begin sharing the energy insights approach and technology with other organisations with large energy-intensive estates, solidifying an increasingly close partnership between with Centrica Business Solutions.


Energy Insight is expected to make a significant contribution to our drive to improve our customers use of energy and has already found a place in our broad range of tools that we can employ.”
Spokesperson, Facilities management partner

Why Centrica Business Solutions?

  • Hundreds of wireless, self-powered sensors can be installed in just hours, providing instant insights
  • PowerRadar, the cloud-based analytics platform, provides unique, comprehensive and real-time insights into energy consumption and asset performance, allowing the company to identify inefficiencies, wastage and the overall health of its assets
  • This intelligence can then be used to build an actionable, energy saving and asset efficiency programme, reducing business risk and promoting sustainable operations 
  • Predictive maintenance alerts further extend the life of the organisation’s important assets
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