Photo of a roof-top solar array, with an icon overlaid representing PPA Trackers
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Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Tracker

A financing option for Solar installations that tracks non-domestic electricity market rates

How a PPA Tracker works

Finance your new ground-mount or rooftop Solar installation with our Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Tracker. You’ll generate renewable energy onsite, without having to make a capital investment, with a financing agreement that follows how the energy market evolves.

In recent years, we’ve seen energy prices reach record highs. There’s widespread uncertainty on whether prices will remain at current levels or decline in the coming years.

In a traditional PPA, your business would sign a long-term agreement with a pre-agreed p/kWh tariff that you’d be charged for the electricity generated by your Solar installation. This p/kWh tariff usually increases in-line with inflation over the contract’s lifetime. But if grid energy prices fall, there’s no mechanism to reduce your PPA tariff, so the energy savings delivered by your Solar installation could be eroded.

What’s different about our PPA Tracker? We’ll agree a p/kWh tariff, but this can decrease year-on-year throughout the contract’s lifetime, depending on what happens in the wider energy market. This means you can rest assured that you’ll always be paying less for your Solar energy than you would have been paying for the same amount of grid-supplied electricity*.

* Subject to floor price mechanism agreed, subject to agreement.

upfront investment needed
variable fee, dependent on the wider energy market
15 year
typical contract length
Step-by-step process
1. Review
  • We’ll review your current electricity tariff to understand what you’re currently paying for grid-supplied energy
2. Agree
  • We’ll agree a PPA tariff for the first year of your contract, which locks in a fixed discount % on your current grid tariff
3. Evolve
  • In years 2 – 15, your PPA tariff will be reviewed annually and updated to track the electricity market
  • Each year, we’ll make sure you receive the same fixed discount % agreed at the start of your contract
4. Protect
  • We’ll also agree a minimum and maximum tariff that you’re comfortable with, to provide protection if energy prices rise from where they are today

An ideal option if you're:

  • Eager to invest in on-site generation to support net zero plans
  • Unable or unwilling to pay upfront costs for a new Solar installation – either because capital isn’t currently available, or you would prefer to invest your cash in growing your business
  • Uncertain about future energy prices and looking for reassurance that your PPA tariff will lock in savings 
Up close photo of a solar panel

Do you need financing for your Solar investment?

If you’re looking to finance your Solar PV system with one simple contract, you could harness the power of the sun with no upfront costs with our Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Tracker.

You could secure 15 years of energy cost stability, as well as aftercare for your solution across its lifetime. To find out more, contact us today.

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