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From Commitment to Action: Bridging the Net Zero Data Gap

Leverage data to supercharge sustainability initiatives, transforming energy intelligence into powerful actions for net-zero success.

With legislative changes like the EU 2023 revised directive and similar US net zero commitments becoming more prevalent, achieving net zero is increasingly crucial for manufacturing organisations worldwide. However, turning these commitments into action requires comprehensive planning and, most importantly, data.

In a recent Centrica Business Solutions survey of 500 European organisations, 58% of respondents admitted they lack access to the data they need for effective energy management. They acknowledge they “will not feel in control of energy use until they have better-quality data.”

While manufacturing companies are committed to sustainability and are willing to reduce operational expenditure and CO2 emissions, they are getting stuck at the implementation stage because they are missing the data they need to move forward. 

Data Empowers Every Stage of the Sustainability Journey

The entire sustainability journey is dependent on data. From setting decarbonisation goals to determining the actions to take to meet those goals to monitoring progress, data holds the key. Most sustainability projects involve investing in onsite energy generation, transitioning to renewable energy sources, diversifying the energy mix, or investing in more efficient machinery. All of these options require significant investment. 

Because business leaders often lack the data needed to justify such investment decisions, Centrica research indicates that financing sustainability solutions is a significant barrier to adopting and scaling up net zero initiatives. Granular data collected at the machine, process, and facility levels helps decision-makers justify their investments and implement sustainability initiatives with confidence.

Once an investment decision is made, organisations need to establish baselines and then monitor progress. Using IoT devices to measure energy use and emissions across critical machinery helps create a baseline for tracking progress and identifying improvement areas. Continuous monitoring of energy consumption, operational efficiency, and emission levels allows organisations to set realistic, data-backed sustainability targets, monitor initiatives over time, and collect the data needed to meet reporting obligations.

Energy Data in Action

The power of data in action can be demonstrated by Altex Group, a Centrica net zero client. The Panoramic Power Energy Intelligence solution helped Altex reduce annual CO2 emissions by 53,553 tons and cut energy consumption by 8%. By using Panoramic Power sensors to measure the energy consumption of machines like air compressors and refrigeration equipment, they identified an opportunity to optimise these assets during non-operational hours, thereby achieving a 4% reduction in total energy consumption. Additionally, they used the data gathered to optimise their compressor operation sequencing, thus achieving a further 12% energy reduction.

Not Just Any Data…

Centrica Business Solutions research shows that organisations with greater confidence in their data deal better with energy management overall. In order for data to successfully drive sustainability initiatives forward, it must meet the following criteria:  

  • Generate insights -  Manufacturing organisations striving for net zero need more than just raw data; they need insights. A robust data tool is needed to generate actionable insights, allowing key stakeholders to visualise the full energy picture, identify sources of waste, and determine where interventions will have the most significant economic and environmental impact.
  • Be readily shareable - Manufacturing companies worldwide are notoriously plagued by data silos, where the relevant data doesn’t reach those who need it for daily operations. A data tool that facilitates easy sharing across departments and stakeholders empowers those at both site and management levels to carry out their daily tasks efficiently and accurately.
  • Ease reporting obligations - Organisations also face mounting pressure to collect and maintain accurate emissions and resource consumption data and report on decarbonisation efforts. A data-driven energy monitoring strategy provides a clear view of energy and carbon performance and generates detailed reports required for regulatory and legislative compliance with Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

Harness Energy Intelligence and Boost Your Sustainability Initiatives

When organisations have confidence in their data, they have a better handle on energy management. Data will be the cornerstone of successful sustainability journeys going forward. By collecting, analysing, and acting on data-driven insights, manufacturing organisations can bridge the gap between commitments and implementation, achieve net-zero goals, and build a more sustainable future.

Learn more about how Panoramic Power’s end-to-end energy intelligence solution can empower your organisation to achieve its sustainability goals

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