Energy asset management to fund your strategy | Centrica Business Solutions
Optimize your energy assets to fund your energy strategy
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Optimize your energy assets to fund your energy strategy

Upgrade on-site resiliency and generating assets with little or no cost by managing your existing energy use.

A number of factors are driving change in the way leading businesses manage their energy. The energy market is evolving, enabled by decentralization and digitization, giving energy users an unprecedented amount of control over their energy use and budgets. An increasing number of businesses are now using on-site energy assets for purposes beyond resilience – they’re using them as a source of revenue and cost reduction.

Managing energy is no longer a price discussion. It’s a sophisticated blend of supply and demand side strategies to reduce energy use and strategically shift it to create a business advantage in today’s uber-competitive business environment.

Leveraging on-site energy assets and energy flexibility allows your business to gain an edge, with cost savings, new revenue streams, or new energy producing or storing assets that pay for themselves.

Options for Asset Optimization

Excess energy from energy consuming, producing and storing assets can be monetized in energy markets to contribute to the business case for other aspects of your energy strategy by:

  1. Monetize existing assets or processes
  2. Refurbish or install new generation
Monetize existing assets or processes

Monetize existing assets or processes

Create a new revenue stream from exploiting energy flexibility in your business processes, while helping you to meet your corporate social responsibility ambitions. Asset Optimization allows you to reduce your energy consumption during times of grid stress or shift it to reduce costs, using automated processes to take advantage of previously unavailable revenue streams. You can monetize your existing assets via a range of services that you may be able to offer to the grid operator and utility, to unlock new recurring revenues that you can reinvest into your business.

For example: You can install or refurbish a standby generator with no capital outlay when you participate in Demand Response. Using the generator, you can decrease energy taken from the grid by shifting your energy use to backup power without impacting business operations. The asset itself it paid for out of market participation revenues.

Optimizing energy assets allows you to create a budget to reinvest in your energy infrastructure. Below, we outline what you can do with your newly generated revenue and where you could invest it.

Refurbish or install new generation

Reduce operational costs and carbon emissions and protect your business against ever-rising energy prices by investing in, or upgrading your on-site power and heat generation assets. Generating assets from Centrica Business Solutions can be used to provide services to grid operators and utilities; the revenues earned from providing these services can be used to cover the costs of refurbishing or buying new energy-generating assets.

Installing cogeneration, solar or backup generation at reduced cost gives you a low-capital option to access the benefits of distributed energy. This will introduce multiple benefits to your business including improved resilience, reduced costs, and a lower carbon footprint.

Monetize or install energy storage

Why Asset Optimization from Centrica Business Solutions is right for you

Today, companies like Centrica Business Solutions take a holistic interest in meeting your business’s goals to manage costs, generate new revenues, improve operational efficiency, enhance resilience and reduce CO2 emissions. Managing energy producing and storing assets in energy markets generates value. We will help you to access that value and use it to cover the costs of asset upgrades and installations, giving you additional sources of energy and resilience.

The energy market is complex and constantly changing. We have a full team dedicated to understanding and managing a Virtual Power Plant (VPP), a cloud-based network of energy-producing assets managed in markets to optimize the financial benefit and minimize risk for our customers. Aggregating assets together allows us to maximize our market participation and return better results for our customers.

Asset Optimization from Centrica Business Solutions comes with no investment risk and a zero out-of-pocket installation costs.

A good partner will also provide post-installation servicing and availability guarantees to help to optimize your equipment and your overall strategy. With Centrica Business Solutions, funding your energy strategy has never been easier.

Learn more about our solutions for business or get in touch.