Power your energy infrastructure with Centrica Business Solutions' range of flexible contracting options
Centrica Business Solutions helps public and private entities understand contracting options available for their energy projects. By exploring alternative delivery methods, our customers can select the right approach for their organization to address deferred maintenance and close budget gaps while making significant strides toward sustainability goals. Alternative delivery methods have made infrastructure modernization more attainable, especially with recent legislative developments, grants, and incentives.
Several options are available to advance an energy project depending on the solution, its scale, and the needs of each entity. Some of the most common approaches include Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS), Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC), Power-Purchase Agreements (PPA), and Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE). Each option has its own advantages, and the choice will depend on the specific circumstances of the project owner and the project itself.
The more you know about your energy infrastructure and consumption, the more effectively you can…
Energy-as-a-Service is a financial solution that enables organizations to upgrade energy…
How new approaches to energy break through the barriers for healthcare organizations.