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Water conservation is an important tool for protecting our natural resources and carries the added benefit of reducing operational costs when managed efficiently. Many organizations depend on water based on the products or services they provide, and they can significantly reduce their water and sewer costs by implementing water conservation measures to reduce wasted water.
Water efficiency and conservation measures can also help water and wastewater utilities retrieve as much as 25% of their billable water revenues by improving metering accuracy and reducing water loss. Water meters degrade over time, and they may fail to provide accurate measurement readings. As the largest energy consumers in municipalities, these utilities require metering accuracy and measures to prevent water loss – and lost revenue.
Through water efficiency and conservation programs provided by an energy efficiency company like Centrica Business Solutions, we can work together to create healthier, more sustainable communities.
Find out how we work to meet your objectives. We help your organization assemble the right technology to achieve your economic and environmental goals – using our unique combination of full lifecycle support, flexible financing and end-to-end accountability.